About Us
Established in 2019, Fishers Cryotherapy is the premier cryotherapy facility in Fishers, IN. Cryotherapy is the body’s exposure to subzero temperatures used to promote a natural anti-inflammatory response. Locally owned and operated, our clients and communities we serve are a top priority. Fishers Cryotherapy focuses on using the benefits of cryotherapy to aid in your wellness and recovery journey. Clients can expect to be greeted by friendly, educated staff and leave feeling revitalized. With us, you are family!
We started our Cryotherapy journey with our son, Evan, in 2014. He had a baseball injury and we were looking for an alternative pain relief treatment without using drugs. In the meantime, I personally developed Compartment Syndrome from long distance running. I had Fasciotomies in all four compartments of both legs. (the opening of the Fascia from my knees to my ankles) Four years later I had Fasciectomies in my Anterior and Lateral compartments of both legs. (the removal of Fascia) I was constantly in pain. I was taking pain medicine, medicine for the nerves, and prednisone for the inflammation. One evening my husband suggested that I start doing Whole Body Cryotherapy when I took our son for his sessions.
About a month into doing Whole Body Cryotherapy, I could walk my dogs without being in pain. Two months into it, I realized I no longer had migraines. And it has been almost 10 years since I experienced one.
Cryotherapy gave me my life back. It changed my life so much that we wanted to bring it closer to our home, make it more affordable and provide easier access for the community.
We appreciate you and the opportunity to serve you.
Lori & Brad Allbright